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Art Battle


All for Water 

Artists from across BC are invited to submit visual art, in any medium, that considers the global availability of freshwater and the health of our freshwater systems. This might include reflecting on threats (climate change, human impact, pollution, habitat fragmentation and invasive species), imagining a future without freshwater, or the social, economic and political change required to protect this resource for generations to come.


Rooster Tales

The Feature Gallery at Studio 2880 will host an eclectic exhibit featuring roosters from around the world. The opening night is at 5pm and appetizers will be served. The exhibit continues until March 5th.

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THe Birds and the Bees

Gail, a beekeeper, is attempting to keep the farmer next door at bay over his use of insecticides and his endless quest for the perfect woman. That’s when Gail’s recently separated, almost 40, turkey farmer daughter, moves back home. The daughter is in a desperate state about the running down of her biological clock.  Meanwhile a young, handsome researcher has been given the run of the place to prepare his thesis on Gail’s bees.  As the weeks go by, endless comic misadventures lead them all to learn one of life’s biggest lessons: It’s always important to take good care of your honey!

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